As part of facility upgrades, The Narragansett Electric Company intends to complete certain reconstruction activities associated with the electrical substation on the site. While the soil data collected in the area of planned excavation suggest the potential for air quality impacts associated with this work is relatively low, The Narragansett Electric Company will monitor air quality during these activities to confirm there are no air quality impacts.
Click here to view past and present air monitoring data.
On April 19, 2018 RIDEM released a Remedial Decision Letter for the Former Tidewater Facility. This letter formally identifies the preferred remedial alternative and authorizes the development of a Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) in order to achieve the objectives of the environmental clean-up.
Click here to view a copy of the April 2018 Remedial Decision Letter.
Active Intrusive Activities Are Occurring Right Now
Kenneth Lento
Project Manager, Site Investigation and Remediation,
The Narragansett Electric Company
280 Melrose Street
Providence, RI 02907
Joseph Martella
Project Manager, RIDEM,
Office of Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management
235 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02908
401-222-2797 Ext. 2777109