[column size=”2-3″ last=”0″ style=”0″][spoiler title=”Other Correspondence” open=”0″ style=”1″][list style=”file”]
- July 2007, GZA to RIDEM OWM, Pre-characterization Sampling of Roadway Residuals
- May 2011, International Charter School (ICS) to NGRID, Comments Regarding the Ongoing Work at the former Tidewater Facility
- July 2011, NGRID to ICS, Response to Comments Regarding the Ongoing Work at the former Tidewater Facility
- April 2012, Tidewater Stakeholder Group to NGRID, Development of a PIP
- May 2012, RIDEM OWM to GZA, Public Involvement Plan Initiation
- May 2012, National Grid to Tidewater Stakeholder Group, Response Regarding the Development a PIP
- February 2013, RIDEM – Public Comment on Draft PIP Letter to NGrid 2-21-13
- March 2013, GZA to RIDEM PIP Response to Public Comments
- August 2013, Tidewater Soil Air Factsheet
- August 2013, Summary of Soil Gas Testing Site Plan
- August 2013, Summary of Soil Gas Testing Tables
- October 2013, GZA to RIDEM, PIP Response to Public Comments
- August 2015, RIDEM, Release Notification
[spoiler title=”Fact Sheets” open=”0″ style=”1″][list style=”file”]
- April 2009, Tidewater Site Fact Sheet
- September 2010, Tidewater Site Fact Sheet – Holder Demo with Translation
- August 2012, Tidewater Site Fact Sheet – Proposed Substation Upgrades
- February 2013, Tidewater Site Fact Sheet
- August 2013, Tidewater Fact Sheet Soil Gas
- July 2014, Tidewater Fact Sheet – Natural Gas Regulator Station
- June 2015, Tidewater Fact Sheet – Removal of On-Site Structures
- September 2020, Tidewater Fact Sheets -English, Spanish & Portuguese
[spoiler title=”Regulatory Letters” open=”0″ style=”1″][list style=”file”]
- September 1995, RIDEM OWM, Letter of Responsibility (LOR) issued to Blackstone Valley Electric (BVE)
- September 1995, RIDEM OWM, Letter of Responsibility (LOR) issued to Valley Gas Company (VGC)
- May 2017, RIDEM OWM, Program Letter (PL) issued to National Grid
[spoiler title=”Public Involvement Plan” open=”0″ style=”1″]A Public Involvement Plan is a document that describes the communication activities that The Narragansett Electric Company and RIDEM will undertake to ensure that the community remains fully informed about developments related to the project and has the opportunity to provide input at appropriate milestones.
- October 2013, Download PDF here
[column size=”1-3″ last=”1″ style=”0″][note color=”#ebffc2″]Public Documents
Documentation is available for every aspect of the Tidewater MGP and Power Plant site remediation. If you need assistance locating specific information, please contact us.[/note][/column]